FimFiction Link - Short ID: 545067/we-dont-go-past-the-garden-wall
Published: Oct '23
We Don't Go Past The Garden Wall is a 1,1k word Horror story. In it, Applejack ventures beyond the garden wall.
To summarise without spoiling anything, there's a closed off section of Sweet Apple Acres. Nopony is allowed in, despite the lock on the door being relatively new. After Apple Bloom tries to sneak in, Applejack decides it's been time and opens the door.
I'm not going to beat around the bush. This was great. The set up caught my attention, as did the way the story developed. I absolutely loved the pacing in this story. Things keep happening, and actions keep going one after the other. Scene after scene. Moment after moment. But it never felt rushed. Quite the contrary, this feels more developed than some longer one-shots I've read.
Not that this story is perfect, or anything, but it's definitely amongst the better stories I've read in this batch. And it pains me it's not a full-fledged tale. Better short and amazing than long and meh, I suppose.
Read it. It won't take you too long.