/mlp/ Fanfic Reviews

"Hey Twi..."

FimFiction Link - Short ID: 508734/hey-twi

Published: Jan '22

Review in No. 41216294
"Hey Twi..." is a 3,2k word epistolary EqG horror story. In it, the world ends.
One day, Twilight stops replying to Sunset writing in the diary. Sunset takes in stride, but starts getting worried when something starts happening in the human world. Suddenly, Rainbow Dash disappears and there's no memory of her. Things get worse from that point onwards as their world falls apart the more things are forgotten.
I quite enjoyed this one. The way we see the changes happen through Sunset's journal entries mark a slow but steady descent into utter hopelessness. In the end, we don't even get to fully know what happened. Some elder being from beyond time itself just targeted EqG Earth and slowly ate from it until nothing was left.
The end, where we learn that a solar flare was keeping Twilight from contacting Sunset and it was that happenstance that prevented any sort of help, was just the cherry on top for me.